Our Research Team

Together we are working to understand the fascinating biological processes that contribute to genome stability, integrity, and evolution.

Lydia R. Heasley, PhD

Assistant Professor

B.A., University of Colorado, Boulder

PhD., University of Colorado, Anschutz

Postdoctoral, Colorado State University

Research interests: All things genome stability and evolution; history and philosophy of science

Other interests: Soccer, skiing, adventures with dogs, cocktail hour

Ginny Fogg

MOLB Graduate Student

B.A., University of Texas, Dallas

Research interests: Evolution of yeast pathogenesis, genome stability regulation, portraits of yeast.

Other interests: Hiking, fishing, puzzles, and trivia

Mathieu Hénault, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

B.S., Université Laval

PhD., Université Laval

Research interests: Using bioinformatics to understand genome evolution, yeast, transposons, structural variations.

Other interests: Music, cooking, hiking, good beers

Jacob Diaz

Undergraduate Researcher

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Research interests: Genetic evolution, variation, and engineering; promoting diversity in research

Other interests: Camping, snowboarding, traveling, and sports.

Support Staff


General Counsel

Other interests: Naps, swimming,  foraging for veggies in the garden


Life Coach

Other interests: Larry, frisbees, Wes Anderson movies


Lab Safety Officer

Other interests: Making new friends, collecting bones, all treats all the time. 

Lab Alumni

Alyssa Monterroso

Ana Ibarra Meraz